
Benefit of the doubt lost. This afternoon, I had coffee with D. We chatted about anything but I enjoyed most the chismax. The most shocking part was the 1% doubt left I have for a L and S relationship to exist completely vanished as D confirmed that the two are really together. And he also added that L was spotted to exit S’s room after the two f–d. And that L was pretty noisy. Yuck! It was like she was having sex with her grandfather. I can’t imagine her doing it with him. But anyways, she has history, like 3o guys in a year. And now, she’s playing with fire as she is currently married with A who beats her to death due to jealousy to S.

On other chismax, DB has already a girlfriend, M, the new doctor in the hospital. I was happy for him, I hope he didn’t fall for L’s charm. I searched M a while ago on fb, she’s fair-skinned, but I’m more attractive than her. It’s true. Her arms are like palo-palo. Thunder arms anyone?But anyways, DB deserves to be happy. Everyone else except for that bitch L. Yes, she’s a total f–cked up bitch. A must realize this and leave her.

The last revelation was D. He told me he likes me, but I turned him down flatly. Ewwww. I’m not L. I’m happy and contented with J for he loves me very much and I love him too. My life is at peace now. Happy. Peaceful. Contented. But I sometimes wish we are rich. I don’t even shop anymore. I don’t have my own money. I can’t buy anything I want. But, i realized that even if I can’t have my wants now, it does’nt matter anymore, you know why? Because I’m happy. And that’s the biggest revelation of the day for me.

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Aceite de Manzanilla for stomach-pains

Yesterday morning, I had a breakfast of rice, salted-fish (tinapa), salted egg (red egg) dressed with tomatoes, cabbage, leeks and seasoned with sesame oil. For the dessert, I ate 1-piece of banana (lacatan) and 3 pieces of The Ultimate Chocolate Chip cookies. Afterwards, I had a glass of Magnolia full-cream milk. Guess what happened after an hour or so. Fart-fest. Yes. The noisy-kind-of farts that pop one after the other. Gross, right? An hour passed until I decided to end the disgusting “music”. So, I got the Aceite de Manzanilla in our house and rubbed some in my tummy. And voila. After 30 minutes, the gassiness and stomach-pain vanished. I experienced first-hand the effectiveness of Aceite de Manzanilla.

So, what it is all about this miraculous aceite de manzanilla (aside from being color-green and smelling so good)?

Aceite de manzanilla (oil of chamomile) is the Spanish name for the oil-based form of chamomile in Latin America and the Carribean. It is often used as an antiflatulent to help relieve stomach pain and nauseousness. And this herb also has positive effects on skin treatment as Aceite de manzanilla is used to treat skin swelling, as well as cracked and dry skin. In addition, it is used to treat anxiety and digestive problems. Due to its properties as a gentle oil, it eases itching and rashes, and can aid in healing and preventing bacterial infection.

Read more: What Is Aceite De Manzanilla? |

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Jake Gyllenhaal is Al Pacino 40 years from now

The Godfather. I have finally gotten to watch it a while ago. And if you want to know how Jake Gyllenhaal would look like 40 years from now, better see pictures of 70-year old Al Pacino.  Remember the movie The Day After Tomorrow? It stars a teenage Gyllenhaal and that’s how exactly Al Pacino in The Godfather looked like (only face-wise for in terms of body built, younger Pacino was more or less half the size of Gyllenhaal and also a few inches shorter).  They both have the same eyes though.

Pacino in the Godfather                                        Gylenhaal

I’ve read that The Godfather is Top 2 on the 2008 list of Best Movies of all time. Hmmmm. My viewing generation includes that of The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, and anything from the 1990-2010 time span. So as expected, I found The Godfather pretty boring (with 2hours and 50 minutes viewing time). No fanciful special effects, heart-pounding chase scenes and kick-ass fight scenes (which is the current formula for a win-win movie today). But I think, what made this movie a blockbuster not just in the cinemas but also in the award-giving bodies is that it has the heart.  It explained the complex nature of those gangsters  so sympathizing with them isn’t hard at all. The storyline is quite simple, yet the mafia appeal is overwhelming, maybe that made the movie one of the finest classics ever made.

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Snipers and Zombies

As of 4pm today, I’ve watched two movies (I’ve intended to see The Godfather and The Wolfman but somehow my interests have differed), Enemy at the Gates and Dead Snow. Enemy at the Gates is a World War II movie featuring the life of Vasily Zaytsev, a Soviet Union sniper hero, set in the victorious Battle of Stalingrad against the Germans. It is a movie between two champion snipers (Zaytsev and Major Konig of SS), and amazingly, in the official list i researched in the web, both have 400 kills. But the facts differ from the movies, no historical accounts were found linking the two snipers. So the duel between the two of them in the movies were pure fiction, as Rachel Weisz’ (Tania) character. I should’ve enjoyed the movie better if they didn’t include a lovetriangle between Tania, Zaytsev and Danilov. I just hate it how everything got screwed up in the end because there’s a lovestory/woman involved.  And I can’t explain but I really don’t like Rachel Weisz from the first time I watched her in Runaway Jury and The Mummy.

Moving on to Dead Snow, it’s somehow related to the first movie I saw because the antagonists are Nazi zombies. Dead Snow is your typical zombie movie, with all the chase, blood and gore and everyone dying in the end. But what I enjoyed from this movie is the setting. The movie was shot on the very white and virgin Norwegian snow. I kinda fantasize of going to places like snowy Norway minus the Nazi zombies. Warm, comfy log cabin amidst the cold snow of Norway. Someday, when I’m rich, Norway would definitely be one on my countries-to-travel checklist.

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Why I Love the Movies

Yesterday afternoon, I’ve watched the Julie and Julia movie starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. I was kinda shocked to see Amy Adams so dressed down. My memories of her consist of magically beautiful gowns in Enchanted and how she and Isla Fischer looked so alike that I got confused at first while watching Confessions of a Shopahalic. So I wiki-ed and found out that it wasn’t Amy Adams in Shopaholic.
Julie and Julia is not your typical movie since the plot is stagnant and I’m irritated with how chirpy Julia/Meryl Streep talks. But the movie is saved by FOOD. You could almost smell Julie’s  just cooked dishes. And after watching the movie, an idea hit me. I could do the same, like Julia did. But instead of finishing 500++ recipes in a year, I plan to watch 2 movies every day. Imagine how vast my world would be. I could live in another dimension, time, country, planet. I could be any character that I couldn’t be in real life. Movies can enrich my knowledge, for after a 2-hrs escape from reality, I couldn’t “move on” easily from what I saw so I usually do some research on that particular movie in wiki (I love wiki since everything I want to read is already there, no need to go to another site).  I read about the movie, the production, the director, the director’s previous works, and of course the actors’ biographies.
Today, I watched two films. Gladiator this morning, and Book of Eli this evening. I enjoyed them both.  Watching Gladiator made me almost feel the same sand that Maximus grips before he fights and almost felt the spilt blood on my skin. Russel Crowe exudes a dangeours charm (maybe they casted Gerard Butler on 300 because he looked a lot like Crowe) that is harmless and pure. But upon finding Russel Crowe on wiki, I’ve learned that in reality he is not actually harmless as he smashed a telephone on someone’s face in a hotel. He said sorry and paid a 6-digit amount.
So, I’m starting to love the movies because they simply add to my knowledge. And tomorrow, it’s going to be The Godfather and The Wolfman.
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Have I Told You Lately

…that I love you.

One cheesy song, I know, I’ve been playing these kind of lovesongs on a cool afternoon. Sets the mood for romantic thoughts. Last night I’ve been dreaming of a beach romance with a handsome American army guy, with a Bradley Cooper smile ala the A-team. I, alone on a quiet beach resort heartbroken, and he, also alone, backpacking on the most beautiful places in the Philippines. We started to chat, and I drawn to his blue eyes and very charming smile, and he, mesmerized with my wit, long, black hair and natural golden brown color. And so instead of spending alone the beach get-away, we helplessly ended up enjoying and discovering the beach beauty together. Romantic dinners in the beach are the best as we watch some falling stars above us, and we talked about life, nothingness, our dreams, our goals, and emptiness and contentment. As we spend more hours together, the more we realize how drawn we are to each other.

…but there’s something about your love, that makes me weak, and knocks me off my feet…

I think I have too much of lovesongs today.

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The Dawn is Envious

Good morning! It’s 12:40 am and im still up, trying to burn out that 3-hour sleep i had this afternoon. I had seen two movies today, Slumdog Millionaire this morning and The A-Team a few hours ago. Bradley Cooper is smokin’ hot while Jessica Biel has aged a lot from her previous movies I’ve seen, Blade and Stealth.

This early evening, I’ve seen a photo of pink Macbook in FB and ended posting a wall photo of a better pink Mac. Iphone4 and Ipad are also brought up in my fb comments. These are the times I wish I was born rich. I could’ve afforded all those luxuries in an instant. But look at where I am now, stucked in the house, waiting for my braincells to die. I have a choice to work out my brain but I chose to stay at the house, sitting, doing nothing all day. Talk about laziness. Then how am I going to finish that DOST bond I have if I don’t work? How can i travel abroad now?  These thoughts swirl in my head. It’s time to act. Do something. But every muscle in me says sleep.

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